Adults and students with ADHD, parents and loved ones...

Get the best strategies and tools to go Back-to-Work or Back-to-School at your full potential!


 August is a time for fun and relaxation. But also time to get ready and set ourselves up to succeed.

That’s why I created this virtual summit for ADHD adults of all ages, ADHD students, and their parents.


Let 20 top ADHD/EF gurus put you on track for success!

Join us August 26-29, 2024


Whether it’s back to work or back to school (for you or your child), join me and 20 of the world’s top ADHD gurus who’ll help you powerfully transition back into action and...

 Focus on the right priorities...

 Boost mental performance and productivity, and…

 Find your rhythm for work/life balance.

Learn Proven, Practical Solutions

from these ADHD/EF pros….

Linda Roggli,

Streamline Your ADHD Systems and Strategies

Ari Tuckman, PsyD

Ambivalence: Do You Actually Want to Do That?

Brendan Mahan, M.Ed., MS

Why Transitions are More Complicated Than You Think and How to Simplify Them!

Terry Matlen, LMSW, ACSW

How to Advocate for Yourself or Someone with ADHD in the Workplace or School

“Thank you! It’s amazing what you did!! Thanks for sharing these experts with others and all your help for me personally!!” 

- C.B., previous attendee

Jeff Copper, ADHD and Attention Coach

Problem-Solving Decoded: ADHD Executive Function Solutions

Tara McGillicuddy,

ADHD Activation: Overcome Stagnation and Boost Productivity

Elaine Taylor-Klaus, ImpactParents®

Communication Technique to Collaborate Better at Work and Home

Lynne Edris, Productivity & ADHD Coach

Do What Really Matters: How to Follow Through Without Sacrificing Your Life!

“Hey Alan! I just wanted to reach out and tell you how much I am enjoying your ADHD Summit!! It's amazing! Thank you so much for making it free with bite-sized nuggets of information! I feel so seen and heard! So thanks for doing this!”

  - A.M., previous attendee

Bonnie Mincu, Thrive with ADD

How to Be On Time without Tricking Yourself

Dana Rayburn,
ADHD Productivity Coach

The Secret to Powerful Planning

Linda Walker, Professional Certified ADHD Coach

Find Your Rhythm: Your ADHD Action Plan to Focus with Ease, Achieve Productivity and Harmonize Your Work and Life

Leslie Josel, Founder of Order Out of Chaos®

The Secret to Smart Study Skills For Student Success

Are you ready to CRUSH IT at work or school?


Laurie Dupar, iACTcenter

Cracking the Code: How to Tell if Your ADHD Medication is Working

Nikki Kinzer, Take Control ADHD

Conquer Calendar Chaos: Weekly Planning on Your Own Terms

Rudy Rodriguez, 
PAAC Certified Professional ADHD Coach

5 Tips to Get Your Groove Back ON!

Diane McLean, Master Certified Coach

Motivation Made E.A.S.Y.

Ellen Faye, Certified Productivity Leadership Coach

Finding Peace With Your Email

Marisa Moon, National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach

How to Fuel The ADHD Brain

Kathy Vines, Certified Professional Organizer

Your To-Do List Needs a Makeover

Ellen Delap, Certified Professional Organizer

How to Start the School Year Strong

Meet Your Host, Alan P. Brown of ADD Crusher™

Undiagnosed until I was 37, I was a mediocre student, taking 10 years to finish a 4-year degree.

I've spent the last 25 years researching and teaching simple and easy strategies and hacks that work for our ADHD brains and helped me go from struggling student to corporate and entrepreneurial success – and helped thousands like me to crush their ADHD.

Now I'm pulling together the best of the best ADHD experts who share their own strategies and hacks so you can get prioritized, beat the overwhelm, transition easily from summer...and be ready to CRUSH IT at work or school this fall.

Don't Delay!

The Summit kicks off August 26 - grab your spot now, so you don't forget ...